Spring Into Seasonal Pet Care

April 11, 2020

We’ve ‘sprung ahead’ and are now thawing out from winter which means melting snow, warmer temps, and more daylight. What precautions can you take to keep your pets safe, healthy, and happy this spring?

  1. Watch for sticks of various sizes that can be choking hazards; bring your own pet toys on walks or to the park.
  2. Keep away from toxic plants including Easter Lilies (ASPCA toxic plant guide).
  3. Choose non-toxic spring cleaning supplies and lawn care products.
  4. Watch for seasonal allergies (often presented as skin issues).
  5. Start heartworm, flea, and tick prevention now.
  6. Keep Easter treats and other sweets away (not only chocolate but xylitol can also be deadly to animals).
  7. For those pets who like to hang their head out of the car window, doggy goggles or sunglasses are an option (debris and insects can cause harm to their eyes, ears, and lungs).
  8. Buckle or crate up to prevent injury from sudden turns or stops.
  9. Offer a hiding spot during thunderstorms and reward only if your pet weathers the storm calmly.
  10. Use the chime feature on your home security system to be alerted to the door being left open (in or out, kids!).
  11. Use remote access to check in on your furry friends from your smartphone while you’re away.
  12. Consider environmental monitoring to detect extreme temperature changes or flooding that can occur while your pets are home alone.
  13. Keep screens on any open windows to prevent temptations to jump through them.
  14. Microchip or identify your pet in some way now that you’ll be out and about more (or in case they run out that open door or jump through the window).
  15. Keep your pet’s emergency contact information visible for anyone in your home and share it with your pet sitters


Your pets are a part of your family but they have different needs than people. Following the above tips will help keep them safe this spring! Contact us for more information on how a home security system can help your pets live their best lives.